14 items found
Warranty years
IC Intracom
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
It is a low-voltage controller that richede, in order to operate, an external dimmer which the DM 3400 or RL 3400. It manages 4 channels to which to apply the 16 effects pre stored. These effects can be adjusted in their speed of execution or......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
These are two completely independent mobile heads mounted on a bar easily applicable to every tripod support thanks to the central hole of which is equipped. It is directly linkable to other 3 units of the same model for synchronized operation.......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Package formed by 2 LEDs EQPACK (for a total of 8 tubes LED) and by a control unit able to pilotarne the ignition (LED EQCON).
lighting, kits
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
A package consists of 8 tubes led mod. LED T40A and by a control unit mod. LED CHVA able to control the ignition of the tubi.Ogni tube contains 144 LEDs that light up in different combinations. Excellent with the structure ARCH KIT.
lighting, kits
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Prices are expressed in Euro, Including VAT RAEE SIAE