12 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Hexagonal, is an innovation in lighting for the show. Use 2 LED 3W (tri) for generating light rays that are proietteti in any particular direction at an angle that makes it unique. Power consumption is only 25W, thanks to high quality components......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Special effect light with 4 LEDs 9W (tri) pisozionabile on masts and can also be used as centropista, mounted horizontally. The pyramid mirrored in the center of the unit, reflects the light rays 4 with extraordinary effect and long reach. The......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
It is a low-voltage controller that richede, in order to operate, an external dimmer which the DM 3400 or RL 3400. It manages 4 channels to which to apply the 16 effects pre stored. These effects can be adjusted in their speed of execution or......
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