3 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
High power, intended for devices over long distances, the system incorporates adi note 4 tone for ads. It has one line input with RCA connection and sensitivity switch, 4 balanced XLR microphone inputs with phantom power, function Voice priority,......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Featuring an LCD display showing some basic information such as the operating temperature or the operating mode. Some lamps indicate any signal peaks or any anomalies detected. High reliability and power are the main features of this amplifier can......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Intended for professional use, it incorporates two amplifiers 4 zone. Each amplifier has an output of 240W RMS. 4 Inputs potrenno be managed on two amplifiers. Function has priority and phantom. Incorporates both an MP3 player via USB, is a CD......
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