5 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Woofer 10 'with power of 200W. Metal frame and impedance of 8 Ohms
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Woofer operating at 4 Ohms with a diameter of 8 'and metal. The maximum output is 200W.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Featuring an LCD display showing some basic information such as the operating temperature or the operating mode. Some lamps indicate any signal peaks or any anomalies detected. High reliability and power are the main features of this amplifier can......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Stereo amplifier capable of generating a maximum power of 200W per channel with independent control of volume. A series of LEDs indicating faults such as overheating etc. It also works in bridge mode providing the total power of a single channel.
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Prices are expressed in Euro, Including VAT RAEE SIAE