Search: "3 posti" Keyword
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Some suggestions for proper use of the search engine
- With a few and precise words you can directly obtain what you are looking
- If there are no results or are not satisfactory, remove less relevant words
- You need to look items of a specific brand or trademark? Enter the name
of the brand as first word, i.e. lindy hdmi cable (not HDMI
cable lindy)
- Except for the previous case, avoid to add the name of a brand in the search
because it is rarely used inside the articles, therefore the result will be
null or slightly relevant (unless you're just looking for a reference to the
brand inside articles text, or something very specific like OTG adapter
for Samsung)
Advanced Search
- the first word you enter is searched between the brands: If
you are looking for a product of a specific brand (pioneer, lindy, onkyo, Thender,
...), you'll need to enter the brand name first; but beware, the search will
be filtered excluding any results on other brands
- search by product code or barcode: it the entered text
exactly match to a product code or a barcode, you directly get the corresponding
product page; instead, using the brand name as the first word followed by the
code, the search will be made also on a partial code
- Articles and prepositions are excluded from the search, case accents
do not affect the results: You can write sentences in the current
language, i.e. AUDIO cable of 5m, in any case, the search will be
made by excluding articles and prepositions and transforming text to lowercase,
research become audio cable 5m
- you can combine two or more words in a sentence to be found together: in
this case it is necessary to surround the words to combine with quotes, as
writing "VXP processor" (with quotes) it requires the finding of both
words in the same order and without other words between
- in some cases two words are automatically combined: words
of one character can not be searched, so phrases like 5 pin connector or F
type connector are considered two words instead of three, i.e. "5
pin" connector or "f type" connector
- special words as tag key and text are
used to force the search mode, hence can not be used in the normal search;
if you need to do a search with one of these words, simply repeat the word
at the beginning (example: key internet key, the first key word
is recognized as special and is not included, so there will be a normal search
on the remaining text internet key)
- detection of a specific feature: length, diameter, color;
the length, for example can be found in a sentence like 5mt, or 5
m or 5 m long; in this case the search will be filtered with
on all items with a very close feature (in the cited example lengths are between
4.5 and 5.5mt) excluding all other products that do not have the length feature
or those that have a different measure
- The remaining words are searched in the text: the search
requires that all words are matched in the text of the article, even if upper
or lower case, with or without accents, while will not match partial words,
i.e. will be exclude items that do not contain the search words entirely.
Tag search
Adding the tag word at the end of the sentence, the
search will be exclusively made on items Tags, can be useful if
you are looking for items with a specific tag.
Keyword search
Adding the key word at the end of the sentence, the
search will be exclusively made on the articles keywords, ignoring
any match in the text, it can be useful to get very accurate results if you
have a very clear idea of what to look for.
Text only search
Adding the word text at the end of the sentence, the
brand and feature match is excluded as described in the advanced search mode and
you'll directly get matches of the words in the articles text, it can be useful
if there is a wrong match for brand or feature.