2 items found
Warranty years
Socket 2P + E 10 / 16A Bypass
Plugs protected
Alveoli protected against accidental contact or volunteers
Alveolus of land set inextricably
Cable clamp with screws and grommet
We recommend using cable with at least 1,00mm²
Warranty years
6WAY 2P + T / 10-16A
Surge Desk
2500W-sockets 2P + T 10 / 16A
Built in accordance with CEI 23-16 / IEC 23-5
Case in thermoplastic material with high
mechanical resistance
Molded plug with cable HAR H05VV-F 3x1.00mm²-lungh.1,5m
The information and photos are indicative and subject to change without notice
Prices are expressed in Euro, Including VAT RAEE SIAE