4 items found
Warranty years
IC Intracom
also in: Record Player (Turntable) record player, turntable, usb, discs, lp, vinyl, 33, 45, 78, rpm, pc, mac, belt-driven
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Complete with stylus has standard connection for most common turntables. Sold in blister packaging it is suited for playing all kinds musicale.Angolo tracking vert. 24 ° Voltage Out: 6 mVSeperazione channels: 23 dBBilanciamento: <3......
phono, turntable
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Suitable for use in abbinamennto the turntable mod. GR 68 and GR 108 and 15. This TDJ parts can be replaced in seconds.
also in: Accessories turntable, tris, small
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