10 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Built with square-shaped, it mounts a unit able to provide 35W of power. A rubberized edging covers the cone and protects it from bumps.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Trumpet aluminum with diameter 31.5 cm and 40W. Ideal for all types of use, operates at 8 Ohms.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Waterproof speaker suitable for use outdoors. The horn is made of aluminum with back cover and ABS resin parts. Gray, is suitable for use in public and private places. The rear shell encloses a line transformer 100V constant voltage regulator to......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Trumpet aluminum with diameter 21 cm and power 15W. Ideal for all types of use, operates at 8 Ohms.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Trumpet aluminum with diameter 39 cm and power 40W. Ideal for all types of use, operates at 8 Ohms.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Trumpet aluminum with a diameter of 25 cm and power 25W. Ideal for all types of use, operates at 8 Ohms.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Waterproof speaker suitable for use outdoors. The horn is made of aluminum with back cover and ABS resin parts. Gray, is suitable for use in public and private places. The back shell encloses a line transformer 100V constant voltage regulator to......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
It presents a taper to be able to spread 31cm deep sounds, though of reduced dimensions. It requires the application of a driver unit in rear, available in 3 different power.
trumpet, aluminum
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Large for an outstanding performance. Can generate 100W of power if used in conjunction with the driver TU 100. Ideal for use on squares and large surfaces.
trumpet, aluminum
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Trumpet aluminum with transformer 70 / 100V. Of great power, it is able to spread sounds at long distances. It also works with nominal impedance of 16 Ohms. Equipped with a bracket for mounting and orientation, it is also suitable for use outdoors......
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