3 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Mono headset with microphone and call button specially designed for use in combination with the device TG 99.Tramite the menu of the device, the button can be set to transmit when pressed and to transmit only while it remains premuto.Il mono......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Ideal for musicians, recording studios and sound engineers, it provides the perfect and permanent equalization of any audio signal. It operates 31 frequency bands from 20Hz to 20KHz with 20mm slider. It has a selector for range +/- 6 / 12dB, two......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Monaural headset for use in combination with receivers MC 9000. Due to their shape, are fixed permanently to the ear resulting ultralight and almost imperceptible. Monaural, are suitable for tours, lectures etc.Impedenza: 32 Ohms, driver: 27mm......
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