3 items found
Warranty years
To make a connection to the state of the art, valued at the most with the new equipment capable of reading support Super Audio CD, G & BL presents a new range of cables at the highest level of construction.
The model HSAC42, entry level of this......
Warranty years
The study of the cable and the specific choice of the connector are aimed to enhance the full power and the extended dynamic range with great clarity at both high and to the deepest frequencies typical of digital sound.
Warranty years
Professional HDMI cable series Luxury High Speed with Ethernet Channel
also in: with Ethernet & Audio cable, hdmi, 1.4, high-speed, luxury, ethernet, hec, arc, full HD, deep color, cat2, 1080p, 3d, 4k, ace
The information and photos are indicative and subject to change without notice
Prices are expressed in Euro, Including VAT RAEE SIAE