6 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Headphone medium with pavilions insulation and condenser microphone. Suitable for use in call centers or in combination with computers, allowing you to make calls chatting, dictate texts or listening to music while maintaining a high quality. Light......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Neckband headset with pavilions medium sized condenser microphone. The headband can be adjusted at will. Sponges placed on the earcups and the microphone are replaceable. In blister packaging, has 1.8 meter cable with 3.5 mm connector.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
On a light collar is inserted a sensitive condenser microphone, while two headsets are connected to the sides of the same collar. The system is particularly suited for cameras and VoIP telephony via PC with software such as Skype or similar. Fitted......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Dagli ampi padiglioni, è in grado di isolare completamente chi la utilizza dai rumori esterni. Il microfono, omnidirezionale 'elettro-condenser', è estremamente robusto. Adatto per l’utilizzo in laboratori linguistici, studi di......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
The padded headband and pavilions Large cufffia make this extremely comfortable and suitable for use for long periods. Mounting a condenser microphone and a volume control.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
I padiglioni da 40mm offrono un’ottima resa acustica. Ideata per l’utilizzo in abbinamento a computers, permette di utilizzare al meglio i numerosi programmi di videochiamata e servizi Voip. Il volume è regolabile. Disponibile nei......
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