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: Toshiba and Intel together…

Toshiba and Intel together for the film company

The Division of Digital Products (Dpd) Toshiba and Intel are teaming up again to launch their second "social film" entitled "The Beauty Inside".

Toshiba and Intel together for the film company

This their new experiment will involve actors already famous in Hollywood, as Topher Grace ("That '70s Show," "Spider-Man3" and "Valentine") and Mary Elizabeth Winstead ("The Legend of the vampire hunter") , "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World"), but will also give the opportunity to the audience to actively participate and interact with the protagonist through social networking with an online casting in search of the protagonists.

The direction and coordination of the film have been entrusted to Drake Doremus, winner of the Sundance Film Festival, which enthusiastically says: The future of the filmography is constantly changing and the "social film" is still uncharted territory. This project allows us to go beyond the traditional boundaries of film making, it is a fascinating challenge to which this year will amount to incorporate a direct and broad participation of the general public.

The film will tell the life of the protagonist, a twenty-year old boy named Alex, who wakes up every day with a new face and a body, a totally different person in appearance but identical within. The protagonist has to face daily challenges, confront the world of work, with adventures, problems and matters of the heart.

The plot, then, runs all around this guy facing each new day with a totally new body, but always bringing along his Toshiba Portégé Ultrabook, which represent a sort of diary required to document his daily misadventures and represent the ' only way to recognize him in several episodes of the film.

The Beauty Inside Facebook debut on August 16 and will be available online in weekly episodes for six weeks.

Johan Jervoe, vice president of partner marketing at Intel, said: We are entering a new era of information technology and we are excited to continually expand the entertainment experience on devices designed by Intel Ultrabook. This global social film is proof that with the right technology you can merge two of the most important forms of entertainment, offering the public the opportunity to be directly involved and take part in a film in Hollywood-style.

We are excited to introduce a new "social film" with Intel - announces Rossella Destino, Country Manager, Italy Toshiba Digital Products & Service - our aim is to engage users through online channels that use easily and provide them with tools that inspire creativity a new generation of movie fans and social media.

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