Aston CAM Upgrade
new version 2.02.00 available from Satellite
[Parabolic Antenna] Satellite: Astra 19.2°Est
Frequency: 12,604 MHz
Polarization: Horizontal
Symbol Rate: 22000
F.E.C. 5/6
2 items found
Warranty years
IC Intracom
replacement cable for CAM-USB and USB-SMC
new version 2.02.00 available from Satellite
[Parabolic Antenna] Satellite: Astra 19.2°Est
Frequency: 12,604 MHz
Polarization: Horizontal
Symbol Rate: 22000
F.E.C. 5/6
in channel: Digital TV cam, aston, upgrade
The information and photos are indicative and subject to change without notice
Prices are expressed in Euro, Including VAT RAEE SIAE