4 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Consisting of a cable 1m with two Toslink connectors. Cable High Quality.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
It consists of a 3m cable with two Toslink connectors. Cable High Quality.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Cable HDMI high quality compliant v. 1.3b able to handle signals 'full HD' for a yield exceptional video. Featuring gold-plated connectors and 19pin cable 'sock' well shielded.
hdmi, cable hq
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Cable HDMI high quality compliant v. 1.3b able to handle signals 'full HD' for a yield exceptional video. Featuring gold-plated connectors and 19pin cable 'sock' well shielded.
hdmi, cable hq
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Prices are expressed in Euro, Including VAT RAEE SIAE