Interference between LTE and digital TV are enlivening the national debate, in the vicinity of the ignition signal for the services of mobile broadband, fixed at January 1, 2013. We tried to get a clear picture of the situation, talking to Luca Balestrieri, director of digital terrestrial Rai.
K4B. Services LTE will have a serious impact on digital terrestrial, creating harmful interference to the service. But the size of the problem circulating different digits. What are the real numbers?
- Balestrieri. We are all working together, the ministry and companies, to understand it. The Rai Research Centre has developed a simulation, which will make available to all interested parties, which suggests a very worrying dimension of the phenomenon. When all operators will have activated its LTE network and the traffic will start to be consistent, within range of the system can - for example - be a problem even for more than half of centralized systems, which will require a filter. I repeat: are simulations that Rai provides for further technical comparison, urgent and necessary.
- K4B. A eye seem more of the 700,000 families that have been spoken in recent days.
- Balestrieri. I am convinced that no one intends to underestimate the problem. It should take a dynamic perspective: assess disservice not for what will be in early, but fully operational, with all the frequencies used and a number of receivers in use. And then there's another risk: a good filter at the end reduces the useful signal, that is, we eat the margin of receipt, leaving the television network most exposed to the problems of seasonal propagation of the signal, so this summer we had examples, and not only those.
- K4B. What should be done?
- Balestrieri. When a new service, such as LTE, affect the functionality of an existing service, as in this case the television is a good idea to avoid the discomfort and not to intervene ex post, it should be ensured that the new entrant remove any potential problems. Rai has asked that this is the approach. Intervene before the disruption, installing filters of good quality in areas where for sure there will be problems.