2 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Handheld microphone for September 6070 / September 6072 with battery 9Vcompatibile with new version in September 6170 / 6172Disponibile request, specifying the frequenzaA MhzB 173.80 174.10 174.50 MhzC MhzD 175.00 Mhz
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Mobile units for September 6070/6072 with battery 9Vcompatibile with new version in September 6170 / 6172Possibilità to be used with headband DMC or 6020H Flea DMC 6020CDisponibile request, specifying the frequenzaA MhzB 173.80 174.10 174.50......
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