Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Supporta un carico massimo di 80 Kg ed è in grado di elevarsi fi no ad un’altezza di 4,10 mt. Al vertice può essere posizionato un supporto quale TPA o ADT.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Pylon lights aluminum comprising 2 supports tripod capable of raising the structure from 1.6 to 3.25 mt, from 2 horizontal structures that are hooked together to form a single element by 3 by 2 meters and upper elements 1 , 2 meters for placement......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Comfortable support to position lights. Made of polished aluminum, it can rise telescopically from 1.45 to 3.25 meters. At the intermediasono two bars independently adjustable. Ideal for installation of 8/12 headlights.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
An indispensable trellis for lights and accessories. Convenient to position, is extendable from 1,45mt to 3.25 mt of altezza.È able to stand up to 50Kg.
The information and photos are indicative and subject to change without notice
Prices are expressed in Euro, Including VAT RAEE SIAE