Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Una pratica combinazione studiata per musicisti ed artisti in generale che operano spesso in situazioni itineranti. Include 2 supporti a treppiede regolabili in altezza da 1,20mt a 1,80mt, con un carico massimo di 40 Kg cad. Diffusori anche di......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Elevatore con verricello per barre portafari o diffusori acustici per altezze da 1,95mt a 3,3mt.Sopporta carichi fino a 60kg.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Supporto con piatto ideato per l'appoggio di diffusori monitor. Realizzato in metallo è in grado di sostenere un carico massimo di 25 Kg e di estendersi in altezza da 76 a 130 cm. La base di appoggio per il diffusore monitor è di 23 x......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Supporto in metallo ideato per il sostegno di diffusori con foro da 35mm. Ruotabile ed inclinabile.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Palo allungabile ideato per posizionare una cassa satellite sopra un subwoofer. Il diametro è di 35mm. Colore: nero
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Are screwed to the speakers set up allowing you to lift the box with chains or cables different genere.La package includes 2 rings with an inner diameter of 19.4 mm.Il thread is M8
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Pair of brackets for placement of speakers on a wall. Bear a maximum load of 11 Kg. White in color, have 3 different types of coupling to adapt to the most speakers in commercio.La distance of the positioning of the speakers from the wall, once......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
A practical combination designed for musicians and artists in general who often operate in situations traveling. It Includes 2 supports tripod adjustable in height from 1,25mt to 1,85mt, made of aluminum and with a maximum load of 60 Kg each.......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Designed to support speakers with 35mm hole. Rotatable and tiltable. Made of steel.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Support atreppiede speaker with glass with 35mm diameter. It is capable of stretching from 125 to 220 cm with a maximum load of 60Kg.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Tripod stand designed for speakers with standard 35mm glass. Able to rise from 1.25 meters to 1.85 meters with a maximum load of 60 kg. Made of aluminum.
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Pair of brackets designed for the support of speakers of small / medium size. Once fixed to the wall, have a triple joint for the correct positioning both horizontal verticale.Si can stretch from 16 to 23cm.Nella package, in addition to the fixing......
The information and photos are indicative and subject to change without notice
Prices are expressed in Euro, Including VAT RAEE SIAE