cables, hdmi, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, audio, video, digital, High Definition, hdtv, HDCP, category, standard, high speed, HEAC, ethernet, audio return, arc
Solutions for Audio / Video signals in digital connections and the latest generation. Cables of all lengths up to 25 meters and custom made for longer lengths.
Standard HDMI Cable, High-Speed with Ethernet Channel, with Audio Return Channel, with mini-HDMI and micro-HDMI: of any type and quality to connect decoder (SkyHD, digital terrestrial, satellite ...) media player (DivX, MKV, etc.) readers Blu-ray, home theater, cameras, camcorders and smart phones to TVs, monitors, projectors, plasma screens or distribution systems, audio / video.
For more details see article Cables and HDMI connections
Warranty years
Oehlbach Kabel
Le prese HDMI inutilizzate vengono schermate dalle radiazioni ad alta frequenza e protette dalla corrosione e dalla sporcizia grazie ai tappi XXL® HDMI esteticamente gradevoli. Si ottiene così un suono notevolmente migliore. I tappi......
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