Search: dual Keyword 1 [2]
31 items found
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
It operates in the UHF band and incorporates the latest technology to ensure the transmission of high quality both in speech and in song. The receiver is equipped with balanced and unbalanced connectors (mixed) with volume control and squelch......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
It operates in the UHF band and incorporates the latest technology to ensure the transmission of high quality both in speech and in song. The receiver is equipped with balanced and unbalanced connectors (mixed) with volume control and squelch......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
The receiver is able to receive the signal from the two microphones handhelds present in the package. The volume is adjustable from the base independently. The LEDs located on the front indicate the successful connection with the microphones and......
Warranty years
KARMA Italiana
Similar to the set template 6172, is composed of a receiving base and two microphones transmission, the first type of handheld and second headband for use in Handsfree. A solution for intelligiente new appliance can cover every need. Wide operating......
Warranty years
Alpha Elettronica
DVI connector with gold plated 24k
Warranty years
R.S. Elettronica
DVI connector with gold plated 24k
Search: dual Keyword 1 [2]
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